Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Goodbyes, Prayer Requests, and Mary Poppins

Well...Seeing as how there is so much to share about this summer...and not enough words in the world to type, please feel free to ask me about my trip when I get home. Also, I will be posting several posts after I return about different events and different ways we have seen God's hand.

I will get back this Friday, August 8th, and I will be spending approximately the first 68.4 hours sleeping/crying...so after that I will love sharing about my trip and catching up on everything that has happened in the good ol' US of A in the past two months.

Some prayer requests for these last days in Japan (and beyond):

-Saying goodbye to students is hard for both us and the dear friends we are leaving. Please pray that we will love them well and freely show our hearts even through the pain of leaving these friends. Pray that they will feel loved and encouraged, and that we will be faithful in keeping these friendships.

-Our team is going through some healing in our relationships with each other, and we are trying to display unity and deep love for each other (even as we are leaving soon). Pray that God would give us the strength to finish well and the grace to fervently love one another from the heart.

-I am unsure about my future, and I am considering returning to Japan for a longer period (1-2 years) after graduation. I am also praying about ministry in the U.S. for the same period of time. Pray that God will give clarity in this decision, and that I would wait for His perfect guidance (and timing).

-We will attend a debriefing session on Thursday in Yoyogi Olympic Center with the other staff from across Japan. Please pray that this will be a time that prepares us to return to the U.S., and a time for good fellowship and sharing.

-Pray for a safe return to the U.S. for everyone.

-Susan's grandfather had a mini stroke this weekend. Please pray for his health, and for Susan's family.

-Coming back home after these trips can be difficult. Please pray that we would feel God's presence and unchanging grace as we readjust to the States. Pray that we would be able to process the lessons from this summer and our experiences well enough to relate them to everyone at home. We would love to share part of our hearts with you. Pray that God would make clear the things that He would have us communicate.

That's all for now. I have more pictures and updates coming soon.

For now, I will attempt to stuff everything I have in Japan into a suitcase that may or may not be big enough. Maybe I can pull a Mary Poppins and find extra magical space in the nonexistent secret compartments.
Ashley Axup